WELab Presentations at ACWE
Catherine, Jack, and Themis will be in attendance at ACWE this year, presenting on their own work and also on behalf of Mattia and Jae.
Catherine will give a presentation on Jae's work, "Similarity Relation For Combined Wind- and Buoyancy-Driven Natural Ventilation In A Slum House In Dhaka, Bangladesh."
Catherine will also be presenting on behalf of Mattia a talk titled "LES-based multi-fidelity framework for wind loading predictions." The objective of this study is to compare mean and fluctuating pressure coefficient (Cp) values between wind tunnel experiments, Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulations, and large-eddy simulations (LES) of a low-rise building. The analysis considers 1) the isolated building, and 2) the building in its urban environment, to evaluate interference effects for different wind directions.
Themis will be presenting "Comparison of RANS, LES and wind tunnel experiments for quantifying interference effects on a low-rise building." The aim of this work is to build a multi-fidelity framework capable of accurately representing the mean and rms Cp on the surface of a high rise building. This will be accomplished by using multiple coarse (i.e. low resolution) LES simulations to build a surrogate model; results from this surrogate model will then be corrected by computing the discrepancy between the coarse LES results and fine LES simulation results at a subset of wind directions. The framework will be tested on the flow around a high rise building with a rectangular floor plan in an atmospheric boundary layer with a suburban terrain roughness.
Jack will share his work in "A comparison of peak wind loads on an unconventional high-rise building measured through full-scale measurements and large-eddy simulations." He will present on an unobtrusive datalogging pressure sensor and collected results. The aim of this work is to compare experimental results with full-scale LES modeling to quantify the effects of approach wind flow and Reynolds number on measured peak pressure loads.
The full ACWE conference program can be found here.
We hope to see you there!