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M. J. Locascio, C. J. Bay, L. A. Martinez-Tossas, J. J. Thomas and C. Gorlé, "Efficient wind farm layout optimization with the FLOWERS AEP model and analytic gradients", Wind Energy, 2024.

T. Vargiemezis and C. Gorlé, "A predictive large-eddy simulation framework for the analysis of wind loads on a realistic low-rise building geometry", Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 256, 105950, 2025.


M. J. Locascio, C. J. Bay, L. A. Martinez-Tossas, M. Bastankhah and C. Gorlé, "FLOWERS AEP: An Analytical Model for Wind Farm Layout Optimization", Wind Energy, 2024.

J. Hochschild and C. Gorlé, "Design and demonstration of a sensing network for full-scale wind pressure measurements on buildings", Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 250, 105760, 2024.

J. Hochschild and C. Gorlé, "Comparison of measured and LES-predicted wind pressures on the Space Needle", Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 249, 105749, 2024.


M. J. Locascio; C. Gorlé and M. Howland, "Data-driven wake model parameter estimation to analyze effects of wake superposition," Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 15(6), 2023.

M. Ciarlatani; Z. Huang; D. Philips and C. Gorlé, "Investigation of peak wind loading on a high-rise building in the atmospheric boundary layer using large-eddy simulations," Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 236, 105408, 2023.

Y. Hwang and C. Gorlé, "Large-eddy simulations to define building-specific similarity relationships for natural ventilation flow rates," Flow, 3, E10, 2023.

C. Chen, L. Chew, C. Gorlé, "Characterizing spatial variability in the temperature field to support thermal model validation in a naturally ventilated building," Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 16 (4), 477-492, 2023. 


C. Chen, C. Gorlé, "Full-scale validation of CFD simulations of buoyancy-driven ventilation in a three-story office building," Building and Environment, 221, 109240, 2022.

L. Chew, C. Chen, C. Gorlé, "Improving thermal model predictions for naturally ventilated buildings using large eddy simulations," Building and Environment, 220, 109241, 2022.

Y. Hwang, C. Gorlé, "Large-eddy simulations of wind-driven cross-ventilation, Part I: Validation and Sensitivity Study," Frontiers in Built Environment, Section Wind Engineering and Science, 30 June 2022.

Y. Hwang, C. Gorlé, "Large-eddy simulations of wind-driven cross-ventilation, Part 2: Comparison of Ventilation Performance Under Different Ventilation Configurations," Frontiers in Built Environment, Section Wind Engineering and Science, 30 June 2022.

C. Gorlé, "Improving the predictive capability of building simulations using uncertainty quantification," Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 28 (5), 575-576, 2022.

Z. Hao and C. Gorlé, “A conceptual model to quantify uncertainty in steady-RANS dissipation closure for turbulence behind bluff bodies,” Physical Review Fluids, 7, 014607, 2022.

G. Pomaranzi, L. Amerio, P. Schito, G. Lamberti, C. Gorlé, A. Zasso, “Wind tunnel pressure data analysis for peak cladding load estimation on a high-rise building,” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 220, 104855, 2022.

C. Chen and C. Gorlé, “Optimal temperature sensor placement in buildings with buoyancy-driven natural ventilation using computational fluid dynamics and uncertainty quantification,” Building and Environment, 207, 108496, 2022.


Dauxois, T., Peacock, T., Bauer, P., Caulfield, C. P., Cenedese, C., Gorle, C., … Woods, A. W. (2021). Confronting Grand Challenges in environmental fluid mechanics. Physical Review Fluids, 6(2).

Lamberti, G., & Gorle, C. (2021). A multi-fidelity machine learning framework to predict wind loads on buildings. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 214.

Bar-Cohen, A., Asheghi, M., Chainer, T. J., Garimella, S., Goodson, K., Gorle, C., … Joshi, Y. (2021). The ICECool Fundamentals Effort on Evaporative Cooling of Microelectronics. IEEE Transactions on Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 11(10), 1546–1564.


Hao, Z., & Gorle, C. (2020). Pressure scrambling effects and the quantification of turbulent scalar flux model uncertainties. Physical Review Fluids, 5(8).

Hao, Z., & Gorle, C. (2020). Quantifying turbulence model uncertainty in Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes simulations of a pin-fin array. Part 1: Flow field. Computers & Fluids, 209.

Hao, Z., & Gorle, C. (2020). Quantifying turbulence model uncertainty in Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes simulations of a pin-fin array. Part 2: Scalar transport. Computers & Fluids, 209.

Lamberti, G., Amerio, L., Pomaranzi, G., Zasso, A., & Gorle, C. (2020). Comparison of high resolution pressure measurements on a high-rise building in a closed and open-section wind tunnel. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 204.

Lamberti, G., & Gorle, C. (2020). Sensitivity of LES predictions of wind loading on a high-rise building to the inflow boundary condition. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 206.


Sousa, J., & Gorle, C. (2019). Computational urban flow predictions with Bayesian inference: Validation with field data. Building and Environment, 154, 13–22.

Hao, Z., & Gorle, C. (2019). Large eddy simulations of forced heat convection in a pin-fin array with a priori examination of an eddy-viscosity turbulence model. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 77, 73–83.

Gorle, C., Zeoli, S., Emory, M., Larsson, J., & Iaccarino, G. (2019). Epistemic uncertainty quantification for Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes modeling of separated flows over streamlined surfaces. Physics of Fluids, 31(3).

Gorlé, C. (2019). Improving Predictions of the Urban Wind Environment Using Data. Technology Architecture and Design, 3(2).


Lamberti, G., Garcia-Sanchez, C., Sousa, J., & Gorle, C. (2018). Optimizing turbulent inflow conditions for large-eddy simulations of the atmospheric boundary layer. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 177.

Garcia-Sanchez, C., & Gorlé, C. (2018). Uncertainty quantification for microscale CFD simulations based on input from mesoscale codes. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 176.

Garcia-Sanchez, C., van Beeck, J., & Gorle, C. (2018). Predictive large eddy simulations for urban flows: Challenges and opportunities. Building and Environment, 139, 146–56.

Sousa, J., Garcia-Sanchez, C., & Gorle, C. (2018). Improving urban flow predictions through data assimilation. Building and Environment, 132, 282–90.

Lamberti, G., & Gorlé, C. (2018). Uncertainty Quantification for modeling night-time ventilation in Stanford's Y2E2 building. Energy and Buildings, 168.


Garcia-Sanchez, C., Van Tendeloo, G., & Gorle, C. (2017). Quantifying inflow uncertainties in RANS simulations of urban pollutant dispersion. Atmospheric Environment, 161.

Ercolani, G., Gorle, C., Corbari, C., & Mancini, M. (2017). RAMS sensitivity to grid spacing and grid aspect ratio in Large-Eddy Simulations of the dry neutral Atmospheric Boundary Layer. Computers & Fluids, 146, 59–73.


Lee, H., Agonafer, D. D., Won, Y., Houshmand, F., Gorle, C., Asheghi, M., & Goodson, K. E. (2016). Thermal Modeling of Extreme Heat Flux Microchannel Coolers for GaN-on-SiC Semiconductor Devices. Journal of Electronic Packaging, 138(1).

Ercolani, G., Gorle, C., Garcia-Sanchez, C., Corbari, C., & Mancini, M. (2015). RAMS and WRF sensitivity to grid spacing in large-eddy simulations of the dry convective boundary layer. Computers & Fluids, 123, 54–71.

Gorle, C., Garcia-Sanchez, C., & Iaccarino, G. (2015). Quantifying inflow and RANS turbulence model form uncertainties for wind engineering flows. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 144, 202–212.

Garcia-Sanchez, C., Philips, D. A., & Gorle, C. (2014). Quantifying inflow uncertainties for CFD simulations of the flow in downtown Oklahoma City. Building and Environment, 78, 118–129.

Gorle, C., Larsson, J., Emory, M., & Iaccarino, G. (2014). The deviation from parallel shear flow as an indicator of linear eddy-viscosity model inaccuracy. Physics of Fluids, 26(5).

Gorle, C., & Iaccarino, G. (2013). A framework for epistemic uncertainty quantification of turbulent scalar flux models for Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes simulations. Physics of Fluids, 25(5).

Parente, A., Gorle, C., van Beeck, J., & Benocci, C. (2011). A Comprehensive Modelling Approach for the Neutral Atmospheric Boundary Layer: Consistent Inflow Conditions, Wall Function and Turbulence Model. Boundary Layer Meteorology, 140(3), 411–428.

Parente, A., Gorle, C., van Beeck, J., & Benocci, C. (2011). Improved kappa-epsilon model and wall function formulation for the RANS simulation of ABL flows. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 99(4), 267–278.

Gorle, C., van Beeck, J., & Rambaud, P. (2010). Dispersion in the Wake of a Rectangular Building: Validation of Two Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Modelling Approaches. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 137(1), 115–133.

Nakiboglu, G., Gorle, C., Horvath, I., van Beeck, J., & Blocken, B. (2009). Stack gas dispersion measurements with Large Scale-PIV, Aspiration Probes and Light Scattering Techniques and comparison with CFD. Atmospheric Environment, 43(21), 3396–3406.

Gorle, C., van Beeck, J., Rarnbaud, P., & Van Tendeloo, G. (2009). CFD modelling of small particle dispersion: The influence of the turbulence kinetic energy in the atmospheric boundary layer. Atmospheric Environment, 43(3), 673–681.

De Backer, J. W., Vos, W. G., Gorle, C. D., Germonpre, P., Partoens, B., Wuyts, F. L., … De Backer, W. (2008). Flow analyses in the lower airways: Patient-specific model and boundary conditions. Medical Engineering & Physics, 30(7), 872–879.